OSP News

Healthy MI Plan - HRA Requirement Remain in Place

Posted: 07/17/2020

To accommodate changes in our environment due to COVID-19, MDHHS is now allowing providers as well as health plans to assist members in completion of their annual HRA form virtually or telephonically.  The HRA requirement is still in place, however, members will not be removed from the plan if the HRA has not been completed within the 150 day period due to COVID-19.  To avoid issues at the end of the pandemic, your asked that you continue to make the HRA a priority.   If Total Health Care completes the HRA, it will be it will be available within 7 days in CHAMPS. Please do all you can to accommodate appointments for HMP members who are new to your practice within 45 days.  You can identify HMP via your eligibility roster on the portal by Benefit Plan ID III.


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