OSP News

Molina Colon Cancer Screening Campaign

Posted: 06/04/2021

Molina is initiating a Colorectal Cancer screening reminder campaign in 2021. Their goal is to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screenings among Molina members. In May 2021 Molina sent out a letter to their providers explaining the campaign as well as a brochure to Molina members about the importance of getting a CRC screening.

Molina staff will:

  • Provide your practice with a current list of Medicaid members who are due for CRC screening. If your practice has documentation in the medical record that testing has already been completed on these members, Molina would appreciate it if you would please send this information to HEDIS_SDS@MolinaHealthcare.com or fax to 888-336-6131.
  • Molina staff will outreach by mail and phone to members to educate them on the importance of CRC screening, offer assistance in scheduling appointments, and encourage them to discuss screening options at their next in-person or telehealth medical appointment.

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this campaign, please contact Dana Brown, Director of Quality Interventions at dana.brown@molinahealthcare.com or at (248) 925-1787.

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