OSP News

Blues Medicare Osteoporosis Management in Women with a Fracture (OMW) Incentive

Posted: 09/09/2024

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and Blue Care Network (BCN) are offering a $500 incentive per closed gap for PCPs who help Medicare Advantage members meet post-fracture care requirements that fall under the OMW measure.

Incentive Information:

  • Due Dates: September 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
  • Eligibility Criteria: Providers can earn the incentive by completing one of the following actions for eligible members by the listed due date:
    1. Performing a bone mineral density test
    2. Prescribing and ensuring the dispensing of osteoporosis medication
    3. Billing an exclusion code between September 1 and December 31, 2024

If you have eligible members, you should have received a fax from OSP on August 27th. If you have any questions on the incentive or unsure if you have any eligible members,  please call OSP at (248) 357-4048. 


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