OSP News

MDHHS Announced Event to Increase Medicaid Renewals

Posted: 10/19/2023

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced October 18, 2023, it has renewed Medicaid or Healthy Michigan plan coverage for 150,577 people whose eligibility was up for redetermination in September.

To help Medicaid beneficiaries with the renewal process and ensure they keep their health care coverage, MDHHS has collaborated with The Salvation Army Great Lakes Harbor Light System to host a renewal event in Detroit from October 23rd – 27th. During the Medicaid renewal event, information about how people can renew their coverage will be available at all stops of The Salvation Army’s Bed & Bread Trucks which provides meals for people in need.

Blue Cross Complete advises health care providers to encourage patients to return any renewal paperwork from the department even if they believe they are no longer eligible for Medicaid. Some members of a household can obtain health care coverage even when others are not eligible.

Click here to read the full announcement sent out by Blue Cross Complete.

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